Orthodox Christian Singles

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Welcome to the Orthodox Christian Singles web site!  The premiere online web site for Christian Singles of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

FOR SINGLES ONLY!  Are you tired of looking for a partner outside the Church and ending up in "dead-end" relationships? Have you wondered what has happened to old fashioned courtship?  Or have you just given up on it all? If you answered yes to any of these questions, don't despair!  There is a solution for you!
The Orthodox Singles newsgroup is exclusively for single members
of the Eastern Orthodox Church without regard to any particular jurisdiction, diocese or region.
We have one thing in common: we are single, or "single again" and are looking for a spouse with common values with us.
As societal changes have occurred over the last 50 years, more people are divorced or separated than before World War II.  According to the 2000 Census, almost 46 percent of Americans over age 15 are divorced, separated, or widowed or have never been married.
Regretfully, this is also reflected in many Orthodox parishes and jurisdictions.  Finding other Orthodox Christians with the same interests, struggles, and goals can be challenging whether one lives in the United States or abroad.

To make an enquiry into membership of the Orthodox Singles newsgroup (hosted by Yahoo Groups) simply fill out the form below and your enquiry will be forwarded to the moderator.

After your enquiry is reviewed by the moderator, you will be sent a reply with instructions for subscribing.

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Last name:
Email address:
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Church Jurisdiction
Comments or Questions

The goals of the Orthodox Christian Singles website is to facilitate the meeting of singles of the Orthodox Christian Church, without regards to jurisdiction.  Our focus is on the salvation of the individual and the family, as family is the basis of a Godly society, as can be seen since the beginning of mankind.

Consider a membership in the Orthodox Christian Singles today!


Mission Statement

Mission Statement:
The Orthodox Christian Singles website is an exclusive service to Orthodox Christians of the Eastern Orthodox Church.  The service is designed to provide you with introductions to other single Orthodox Christians. This solves the most important issue in any relationship, "Our Faith"!

Last updated on 5/24/2006, 5:28:05 AM

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DMS Group - Webmaster
P.O. Box 741 * Blanco, TX * USA * 78606-0741
Email: dmsgroup@moment.net Phone: (830) 833-0287